As I look around at the various leaders of
our generation, I notice something. Even
most of the leaders are followers.. that is, copy-cats. They will borrow something that works, and
take it to the next level.
Unfortunately, those that lead and those that follow leaders rarely do
it from an unselfish motive to foster new creativity and individuality, but
rather to help build their own dynasty and legacy.

Everyone at some point wants to follow their
dreams. They have a vision and goals and
wish to follow after them. Sometimes
these are dreams that others also aspire to reach. Sometimes it is a unique dream or vision. Whichever
path you are following, it is almost certain that you will not reach your
aspirations unless at some point, you find some help along the way. Even travelers who take off on an independent
journey have signs along the way to direct their path, signs that someone has
earlier placed there to help them find their way.
I just got an email recently from a friend
at the library whose course I took a couple of months ago. It was called “Blogging for Beginners.” I would not be writing this article for you
to read if it had not been for her initiative to develop a class where I could
learn the basics. I already had an idea
for redeveloping a website that I had created about fifteen years ago, but it
was this class that gave me the motivation and final impetus to get it done. This new email was a follow-up to that
class; she was letting me know about a
new program that the library is using that offers free online classes, and so I
am actually signing up to take a few, including “Blogging and Podcasting for
Beginners.” I have been wanting to
develop online video lessons for my guitar students, and the idea of
audio/video podcasting sounds like the ticket that I’ve been needing. Plus just today I discovered “Windows Movie
Maker”, a basic video editing program.
The point that I am making is one that you’ve heard over and over : that “no man is an island.” Most people typically equate the term ‘networking’ to Amway or some other business, but if we take an honest look, all of us “network” with other people. You cannot really function or make it through an entire day without getting the help of a few people along the way. And a lot of them are complete strangers. Let’s say, you take a trip. Perhaps you have directions or a map. But somehow, you still get lost along the way. What do you do? Quit, and turn around to go home? No way. You stop and ask directions… from a complete stranger. And more than likely, they are willing to stop and help you. On a much bigger and broader level, this continually happens in our lives over and over again.

I am thankful for my friends. They mean so much to me. But I’m also thankful for the acquaintances
in my life. And also for the strangers
that I encounter on a daily basis. They
may come and they may go. But each and
every one of them appears and disappears for a reason. You may say : you are philosophizing, or overstating
the obvious. You may be one that takes
everything that happens at face value.
And you may even be somewhat right.
But I think one’s perspective is not always just a perspective, but a
perception of purpose and meaning.

and visions. Today, the Internet can be a source or tool in finding these groups, as well as word-of-mouth and daily interaction. It also affords us the ability to network with people all over the world, as well as those in our local areas. I have encountered groups that exist to help entrepreneurs, guitar players, as well as hobby and health groups that exist to promote sports and recreation, or just social interaction. My church has also been a rich source of meeting new people and interacting with them.
We’re not an island. We are not alone. Who is out there? E.T.?
I don’t know, but I can tell you that there’s a God who loves us,
watches over us, protects us, and also sends people into our path to prepare
and equip us for what lies ahead. As you
go forward with your life and business, take a second look at your perspective
with the people you come across. Value them and
appreciate them for what they have to share with you. They might just be the “angel” that God is
sending to help you. If you have something to give in return, then
give it. Your life will be that much more rewarding for
it. But more than anything else, you
will have a new, richer view of the world and people around you, and a better
perspective of how it all fits together in the big picture we call “life”.
“Two are better than one, ... if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up ... Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken ... If God be for us, who can be against us ?" [ Ecclesiastes 4:
9,10,12; Romans 8:31 ]
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