One of the assignments in an Internet class that I'm taking is to take another look at my business materials, including my logos. I'm posting my logos here for my instructor and classmates to view, and also for me to see all of them together in one place. I'm going to listen to feedback, and see if I can discern any new ideas for making them better and more applicable. They are supposed to send a message to everyone who views them about my business and what I'm seeking to do. It should clearly show and promote my goals and purpose.

I just look for something unique and different when I'm thinking about a logo or banner. This idea for "The Bob Page" logo came to me just out of the uniqueness of my name, it is a Palindrome, meaning it's the same forwards and backwards, and there's the "O" in the middle of my name, with two identical "B's" on each side. I thought it would be clever to use the "O" as a picture frame for my image. The ultimate would be to have a slide show of pics, revolving from one to another, inside of the "O" frame. I believe that I'm aware how to do that, only haven't had the time to explore it yet. I'm not even sure it would work in Blogger. =)

The idea of "GuiTarHeel" probably came about because I am a UNC Tar Heel basketball fan. Of course, although "Tar Heel" is a university and sports moniker, it is also the official nickname for our state : the Tar Heel state. Not that the basketball connection actually directly caused the name or logo, but because of the relation between "gui-tar" and "tar-heel". They shared a common word or syllable between them, so I chose to capitalize on that by combining them into a new word : "gui-tar-heel." I like it, and it's also become an online login name and identity for me at various sites, including my own blog. I believe it's distinct, unique, and different from most business names that I've seen used in the past. I also think that the name clearly and cleverly states what I do, and also where I do it. Using the NC map as a background also enhances the look and builds upon the theme.

"NovelTees" is a name that I came up with about 5-10 years ago whenever I started this online tee shirt at Zazzle. I wanted a word that ended in "ty" or "ties" so that I could change the spelling and make it applicable to selling tee shirts. "Novelty" is defined as "the quality of being new, original, or unusual." This was exactly what I was shooting for, both in a business, my products, and a name. The whole business idea came about through casual conversations while just hanging out with some close friends. We would always humor one another by saying clever things or making puns. One day, one of them said, "That would really be good on a tee shirt." A bell sorta went off in my head. The idea germinated inside my head for awhile, lying dormant until that same friend gave me the encouragement to start the actual process of designing and selling the shirts. The logo itself is fairly simplistic. I wish that I had a better concept or idea; perhaps a better one will come along at some point. But for now, this logo incorporates an upside-down tee shirt, implying something a little different or unique. It may not make any real sense, except it's meant to project a thought of uniqueness or difference. Many of me tee shirt slogans are off-the-wall humor. [for example, a picture of Rodin's "The Thinker", (which is a nude guy) with the caption "I wonder where I left my underwear".. or a pic of a little boy peeing, with the caption "I stayed up all night studying for my urine test".. there are many, many more examples.. go check out my site to see them all!] So-- the overall theme of a lot of my shirts also coincides with the concept of being unique or different.

"Night Light" began in the 1980's when a "friend-of-a-friend" was just starting to venture out to make a career out of a hobby of playing guitar and performing original songs. This singer/songwriter had been working as a maintenance man on a golf course, and as he rode around on a riding mower, he would hum tunes in his head and come up with songs. He was also teaching guitar lessons to local students. Somehow, I got involved in helping him promote and develop his performing career. We started out playing at local churches and events, then I booked him at some regional festivals and colleges. In the mid-80's, we took off on a two-week tour through the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida. I also booked a short trip to Tennessee and Kentucky.
[In the late 80's, he formed a 4-5 piece band, and was able to make connections with a festival promoter in Myrtle Beach, who booked him and his band as the festival warmup band, playing on stage with some nationally known artists and performers. He has since worked with international Christian ministries such as YWAM (Youth With a Mission), Last Days, and now develops guitar and music teaching materials for Hal Leonard Publishing and has a monthly column in Worship Musician Magazine.]
During this time period, I added a few other artists (booking as many as a dozen artists) in various fields, such as bluegrass, gospel, jazz, and speakers/comedians. I continued doing booking and promotion into the early 90's. Sometime in the mid-90's, I let it go for some reason, and it has been dormant for the last 20 years. I am now beginning to plan to revitalize this musical venture again, and hope to develop a website to implement concert booking and promotion services.
The name "Night Light" just came to me, but later I discovered that it probably came from a Scripture (Bible) passage in 2 Corinthians 4:6 : "For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ." My ultimate logo will also have a skyline as a background, and may change in other minor ways, but will always have the "light bulb" as the major theme or icon. Here's another version of the logo.. I don't particularly like this skyline, I'd like a more realistic and bold one.